Uber during the holidays

Ah, the holiday season! That time between Thanksgiving and Christmas when life can just become a bit crazy for most folks. There is one party or celebration after another; there is all that shopping to get done; and of course, travelers are on the roads and trains and in the air to gather with family and friends.
It really is a great time to drive with Uber to rake in some serious cash, if it is done correctly. Use these tips to get paid this holiday season.
Greater opportunities during the Holiday Season
Just consider all that goes on during this season and how many opportunities there are for you.
College students take their last exams and are ready to haul their luggage, but not their car, to the train station or airport.
Shoppers don’t want to fight city traffic with their own cars. And they don’t want to take public transportation and lug their packages on board.
People concerned about COVID don’t want to crowd onto buses and trains where others are not masked, and they are exposed. Taking a ride with Uber just makes sense.
Holiday parties mean alcohol consumption and impaired driving should never be an option.
Busy people avoid cooking dinner and will be calling Uber Eats more often.
Party hosts will be using Uber Eats to deliver their catering orders and are willing to pay for that convenience.
There are more major events – concerts, tree lightings, and such – and the smart r driver will station themself close by and be ready for a pickup.
Restaurants and bars will have holiday events, and won’t want to be liable for impaired driving. They will keep Uber and Lyft on speed dial to provide a ride to drunk patrons. Many drinkers will be eager to pool their cash together at closing time to share a ride.
In short, the demand for a ride definitely increases during the holiday season. And people who drive with Uber who are interested in making more money than normal can benefit from this busy season.
While the week leading up to Christmas can be a money-maker, there are four days and nights that can be a gold mine, for a driver who is willing to spend time away from relatives, if only for parts of these days and nights. Let’s take a look at each of these and how they line your pockets with lots of extra cash.
Holiday shopping season
Parking is at a premium this year as more people are shopping in person. Rather than wasting time searching for spots or paying to park, many holiday shoppers will simply call for a ride. Post up near shopping centers and Gallerias and wait for people to call you for a ride.
Christmas Eve
People choose to spend Christmas Eve in different ways, but all of them can add up to be profitable trips for a driver.
Some choose to attend late-night church services and don’t want to drive themselves or rely on the schedules of public transportation. They can reserve their rides in advance and know that they will have door-to-door transport in the dark and cold.
Many families celebrate the holiday on Christmas Eve, and alcohol consumption is a part of that. Add to this the lugging of gifts to a family member’s home and there is the “perfect chance” for drivers.
Those who do not have relatives in town will gather together for fun holiday celebrations on Christmas Eve, again with alcohol and transportation issues. They will want to arrange pickups and drop-offs with multiple passengers sharing the ride.
A driver stands to increase his ride fare with multiple riders and more than one destination.
Christmas Day
It is often believed that Christmas day is not a busy time for someone who drives with Uber, but that may not be the case at all. Here are a few reasons why a person may need a ride on this holiday.
Non-Christians who do not celebrate Christmas know that stores, malls, businesses, and such are closed. Still, they want to eat. They may search for restaurants that are open, either to go out to eat or to have Uber Eats bring food to them.
Many people hold a Christmas day party for friends and relatives – an “open house” of sorts. While the hosts may have the food delivered the day before, the guests may not want to brave the winter cold and parking issues if they use their own car. Ordering up an ride with Uber is just a more convenient transport, and even more so if alcohol consumption is involved.
There are church services on Christmas day. Cold temperatures and wintery weather conditions will cause a person to order a ride rather than “brave” the bad weather in their own car. And in these circumstances, they know the exact pickup times for both rides and can order specific times through their Uber app and do so quite early.
One of the great things about being a driver with Uber is that, on this important holiday, you can choose the hours you are willing to work so that you schedule them around your own personal gatherings.
New Year’s Eve
If ever there is a money-maker for someone who drives with Uber, it is this night. During the holiday season, New Year’s Eve is a night of partying and lots of alcohol consumption.
Partygoers are simply not willing to risk driving themselves and will order their pickup ride and destination well in advance, at least for delivery to a party. As the night comes to an end, they will have no car to drive and will then order a ride home. Drivers who are willing to stay up late to help people avoid impaired driving will be in high demand. And the upfront fare feature lets a driver know exactly how much he stands to make for each of his rides on this night.
It all boils down to how important New Year’s Eve is to you as a person. If you are willing to give up your own New Year holiday celebration for the great chance to grab lots of extra cash, you will surely add lots of that cash in your pocket.
New Year’s day
This is often a day of “recovery” for the average New Years Eve partygoer. Still, lots of holiday hosts hold New Year’s Day parties, usually late in the afternoon, to celebrate the holiday.
The late riser who is still suffering from the night before will probably not want to deal with cold city temperatures or parking issues if driving his own car and will opt for a ride with Uber instead. They can also schedule a pickup on both ends via their Uber app, show up at the right time, and ensure that they get back home at a reasonable hour to finish their recuperation.
Most rides on New Year’s Day will be round-trip and will be scheduled in advance, and this gives you a firmer schedule for the holiday.
Making holidays profitable and safe – some key tips
The holidays, between Thanksgiving and New Year, will be busy for you. Here are some key tips that will keep you sane and safe while you gather those extra profits.
Be Prepared. If any of your documents or paperwork are close to expiration, get them renewed now. Make sure that your vehicle is in the best condition possible so that there will be no downtimes due to repair and maintenance. Cold weather poses more need for maintenance.
Target big events. Do some research and learn about big holiday events in your driving area, especially the times. Be there when the event ends. If you are there at the right time, you will have the “edge”..
Hang out at the airport on heavy travel days. You’ll want to be there immediately when a traveler calls for a ride.
Make New Year’s Eve a work night. Yes, you may miss some partying, but the money you will make from those who must avoid the consequences of impaired driving will be well worth it during the less busy times after the season.
Stay informed of weather conditions. During this season there are traffic jams and poor weather conditions. Keeping up to date on road conditions in real-time is a must.
Add key items in your vehicle. You may be in for long days without breaks. Keep water, breath mints, extra masks, and other snack items in your vehicle. Have wrapped snacks to offer riders. This could be the difference between an average or amazing tip.
And for those who are using you instead of engaging in impaired driving, keep some vomit bags and wipes on hand. If someone vomits in your car, you can lose valuable driving time while you clean up.
Have tactics to meet up with your customers. Airports and events are crowded with passenger cars, taxis, and other drivers like you. Your rider will already have your vehicle make and color but picking it out in a crowd can be frustrating. Once you are parked, give your customer more detailed information about where you are. What cars are around you? Maybe you can flash your hazard lights? Perhaps you can ask your customer where they are standing and if they have some distinguishable clothing. Many rideshare companies offer illuminated signs for your car. It may be worth the price to invest in one of those.
Some drivers even carry a large erasable whiteboard on which they can write the name of the riders and can hold it out the window. Again, the faster you can pick up your ride, the happier they will be. A happy rider is a bigger tipper.
In summary
The time between Thanksgiving and New Years can be the busiest time of the year for someone who drives with Uber. Thanksgiving may be over, but December promises to be a game-changer in terms of income.
Every trip you take on is a chance for you to make your riders satisfied and even happy. And every ride is a chance to make not just a good income from the trip itself but for a great tip.
Winter weather can be contrary, so be certain you consider safety first – good tires, windshield wipers, and fluid, and, above all, no taking risky chances on treacherous city roads.